JSON Editor For Mac Version 1.46 (Latest 2024)

JSON Editor Mac overview

The JSON editor Mac provides a flexible visual editor of JSON data. It has a simple and clean interface that allows you to create, visualise, and modify JSON documents. You can also format, validate, and save them. (Access Menu For Mac)

Latest Features

  • JSON files can be edited in both tree mode and raw mode.
  • Line numbers, automatic indentation, and syntax colouring
  • Validation of JSON documents
  • The validation errors are highlighted along with their descriptions.
  • Even if the JSON isn’t entirely valid, make it human-readable or compact.
  • Automatically detect if the document has been compressed or human-readable, and maintain this format even when editing in tree mode.
  • Tree nodes can be deleted, copied, pasted, and reordered by cutting, copying, pasting, deleting, and reordering.
  • Copy and paste the raw JSON string.
  • Undoing and redoing
  • Support for Find & Replace in both tree and raw modes
  • Import and Export Property Lists (.plist files)
  • Support for pasting plist files, whether from Xcode or raw XML
  • You can also use them in Xcode by copying JSON tree objects as Swift objects.
  • You can also copy JSON tree objects as Objective-C (both classic and modern syntax) to use them with Xcode.
  • Copy JSON tree paths as JSON path strings.
  • Copy the JSON tree nodes to an XML file and paste it in Xcode, Text Editor, or any other text editor.
  • The tree row that is selected by the mouse will have “Add” or “Remove” buttons.
  • Increase and decrease font size to improve readability.
  • Full-screen support
  • Support for versions
  • Services support

JSON Editor For Mac Version 1.46 (Latest 2024)

What’s new in version 1.46 For Mac


  • When creating HTTP requests, two more HTTP methods are available. This is a choice and a path.


Flexible visual editor for JSON data.


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