GPXSee Mac overview
The GPXSee mac program is a GPS log viewer and analyst that supports most GPS log formats.
Key Features
- Opens GPX (TCX), FIT, KML (NMEA), CUP, SLF, and GeoJSON files. Also supports OziExplorer, Garmin GPI, and CSV, as well as GeoJSON.
- User-definable online maps (OpenStreetMap/Google tiles, WMTS, WMS, TMS, QuadTiles).
- Offline maps (OziExplorer maps, TrekBuddy maps/atlases, Garmin IMG and JNX maps, TwoNav RMaps, GeoTIFF images, MBTiles).
- The graphs include: speed, elevation, heart rate, cadence graphs, power, temperature, gear ratio, and shift graphs.
- Support for DEM Files (SRTM HGT).
- Support for POI Files
- Print/export PDF.
- Multi-tracks in one view
- Full-screen mode.
- HiDPI/Retina displays and maps support.
- Native GUI (Qt for Windows, Mac OS X, and Li)
What’s new in version 13.15 Mac
- Removed Qt5compat dependencies from the Qt6 build.
- Multiple minor fixes (GUI).

GPS log file viewer and analyzer.
- Free
- File Size: 25.5 MB
- Developer’s website:
- Download Whatsapp Mac Server 1
App requirements
- Intel 64
- OS X 10.10 or later
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